الاثنين، 16 يونيو 2008
Sid Meier's Pirates
Sid Meier's Pirates! is a 2004 strategy/action/adventure computer game
developed by Firaxis Games and published by Atari.[1] The game is based on
Sid Meier's earlier 1987 game, also named Sid Meier's Pirates!. Overall, the
gameplay remains similar to the original game, though it features a 3D game
engine (NDL's Gamebryo). Some elements such as sun sighting have been
removed, but other features have been added, such as a ballroom dancing
mini-game and an improved turn-based land combat system
9 أغسطس 2008 في 6:27 م
21 مايو 2009 في 4:55 ص
thanks man\
18 يونيو 2013 في 7:57 ص
thank you
18 يونيو 2013 في 8:03 ص
thank you